Collaborative attorneys in Northern Virginia use several collaborative models in their cases. Some prefer one model; some prefer another; some prefer to take a flexible approach, choosing the model they use, for each case, based on the facts and circumstances of that case. Models, with which we are familiar, include the following:

  1. Lawyers only
  2. Lawyers with single coach and no financial
  3. Lawyers with financial and no coach(es)
  4. Lawyers with single coach and financial
  5. Lawyers with two coaches and financial
  6. Lawyers with two coaches, financial and child specialist
  7. Lawyers with two coaches and no financial
  8. Lawyers with mediator

In short, collaborative cases can take multiple forms, none of which is “better” than any of the others. HOWEVER, there are certain important consistencies in all Collaborative Divorce cases, and these are the elements that make a case collaborative: (1) the professionals’ job is to help the spouses reach a settlement that is in the spouses’ best interests, and, when applicable, that is in the spouses’ children’s best interests; (2) there must full disclosure (transparency) of all information relevant to the case; (3) no threats related to court are allowed (i.e., “saber rattling” is taboo); and (4) the lawyers may not litigate for the spouses.